Thursday 18 September 2014

Time Management for RBI Assistant Exam

This post is for all those who write RBI Assistant Exam. It might help, might not.
-User discretion advised.
Its too long btw. Typed with paining fingers 
I am just giving a generic advice and approach.
First analyse the pattern of the paper. How many sections. How many questions in each. I hope everyone has done it by now. If not, never too late. Do it. Find previous year question papers. Know the pattern.
Whats the exam duration? 120 minutes? How will the count down timer be? will it be 120:00 or 2:00. Know this. Its important. Will tell you why.
A very very few people generally do this mistake. Time allocation:120/5 for each section. It wont work.
Start with your strength (it is otherwise if maths is your strength) Ideally i would advise to start with computer science. Nobody has an edge over nobody. You use facebook. So you use computer. So you can answer most of the questions with common sense. 40 questions. you wanna spend 20 min? nope. 15? no 12? no 10? no. Ideally between 5 to 8 minutes. POSSIBLE. Reading question ->4 seconds. Clicking 1 second. But very few questions may require slight thinking. So max time 8 minutes.
By the time the clock nears 112 you should actually be out of this section. Whatsoever.
Next start with GK (Assuming that you have studied enough)
My advice would be not to waste time STUDYING newspaper. Bankersadda, nirdeshak, gktoday do it for you. Trust them blindly. Last 6 months is enough. Complete bankersadda monthly capsules of these 6 months. SBI PO capsule, SBI Clerk capsule (all parts) RRB capsule RBI Assistant capsule. (Dont worry. Its all are repetitive). And read financial awareness from and nirddeshak. They are good. Gives you an idea. Dont panic if you havent done it. Do it for the next exam 
You should be too damn thorough that you should finish this section in 8 minutes. Now clock is at 104. Jump to english. Wait. Dont start from the first question of english. When you click english tab on the side you will have a palet with numbers. Click the 31st question of that section. If english is from 41-80, click on 71. Why? You have fill in the blanks here  scoring topic. Max 4 minutes. 10 marks. How to approach it? Read the para without filling first (should take max 30 seconds). Know what it is about. Is it positive or negative. Know it. Then attend the questions. But smartness would be checking questions parallelly while reading the para and filling here and there that is too obvious and doesnt need whole para understanding. Rearrange should be there. Spot the errors should be there. Do all this then go to RC. Read fully. Attend synonyms/antonyms (here read the question properly. Synonym/antonym as given in the passage. Dont assume general meaning because most words have more than 1 meaning. They want you to give the mean/opp of the word in the context in which they have used it.
40 questions 15 minutes. (rearrange max 2 minutes spot the errors 2 minutes)
Now clock ticks 89. 4 minutes buffer. So anywhere between 85-89. You are bang on with the plan!
Now I would say do maths first. Its all multiplication, division and stuff. Primary school syllabus (at least 10 questions). skim all 40 questions. Do as many as you can in 35 minutes. You should have attempted all 40 by now (if you had really prepared you would have finished with 5 to 7 minutes to spare to 50 minutes)
Now go to reasoning. Do all questions right from question 1. Seating arrangement/logical reasoning ->mark for review. Finish the remaining part of the section. Ideally you should have 25-30 minutes. But considering buffer, at least 20 minutes should be there. Do both the caselets now. Seat/Logic. Reasoning done. Last five minutes. Become a watch dog. Mouse over all sections. Think where you can maximise. Go. Think. Click
My suggestion : Any category, ideal attempts should be 180+. You cannot get into rbi if the cut off is 125 and you get 125... 126.... Interview shouldnt be a deciding factor for selection. Aim high scores in prelims..... 150+ You will land up in 130s. MIGHT save you even if you have a poor interview.
All the best friends   Prepare well.

1 comment:

  1. For RBI Assistant 2016 Exam Free Study Material Tips & Preparation Plans Search & Visit The Facebbok Group "TARGET RBI ASSISTANT EXAM PREPARATION BY DAS SIR"
