Wednesday 23 September 2015

RBI Grade B Phase 1 Time Management on the day of the exam

So where to start in English. Please do not start from question 1. In this case, first question in english section will be 91. Why not? For sure it will be a reading comprehension. It might eat your time if it is a very very long passage. By trend (remember the blueprint you have created?) 10 questions would be asked on reading comprehensions. 5 general questions, 5 questions on synonyms/antonyms. So do not take chance. Now why directly click on 111th question. The same trend says that the last ten questions are cloze text (Fill in the blanks). If am not wrong, we have been doing this right from 6th grade. Piece of cake. (This time it might be only 5 as I was mentioning about the new topic for 5 marks in my earlier post). So wherever the English tab is, once you click on the tab. Click on the first number of the last ten questions. In this case it is 111. Eat the cake. Please eat within 3 minutes. Yes it is possible. Do not start clicking on answers as and when you read (can do when you find the option to be too obvious). First skim the full passage. Hardly takes 30 seconds. This will help you in understanding the essence/tone of the passage. If it is a passage with positive tone and you realise that even before you start marking answers, chances are that you won’t make any mistake. Repeating again. Do mark answers in the first go when skimming if you find the option to be too obvious in any case (positive passage/negative passage). Skimming will help because in some cases you may be thinking that the passage is positive and start clicking answers and somewhere you get to know that it isn’t positive. So few of the answers you marked maybe wrong. So to prevent that mistake, skimming is very much important. Now click on 106th question. Should be “Rearrange the following”. Requires maybe 1-2-3 (max) minutes to solve. Once done, click on 101st question. Should be spot the errors. Take less than a minute please. Now click on 96th question, welcome to questions on synonyms/antonyms (NOTE: Not the general meaning or opposite is asked. It is asked in relation to the passage. For example, the word “broke“ has a lot of meanings. In the passage, in what context has the author written? You need to mention that. Same applies to antonyms too. Max 1 minute for this. So in toto, you will be consuming 8 minutes of your time. You still have 5 questions on reading comprehensions. Just leave them. We will get back if we have time. As of now, you have attended 25/30. Cut off would be around 14. So please attempt 20+ at least. If you are able to attend all 30 questions in ten minutes, well and good.

1 comment:

  1. A sensible approach for the exam. Thanks a lot Anand! I hope I can implement this plan. I appreciate your writing skills. Keep rocking.
